How To Make Money Blogging In No Time At All: 6 Simple Steps To Get Started

You  are looking to make money online and you have heard that many other people are doing this. The thought of making money online is exciting, and what other way to do this than to make money blogging. The concern you may have,however, is how to make money blogging and what would be your first step or steps to getting there.
Here are 5 simple steps below to help get you on your way to earn money through a blog and really earn the blogging money that many do actually make on a monthly basis with their online blog.
1. First, you must decide on what type of blogs you want to write and try to earn money from. Are you looking to to a business blog, or are you looking for a personal blog. Many like to make money blogging with a niche blog in a particular area with factual information with a more formal style.
2. Make sure that you find a domain name for your blog which is a good, descriptive name when deciding on blogging for money. You must have your own domain name for your blog, so that it is owned by you.
3. Host your domain with a good hosting company such as or You want to find a hosting company that will host unlimited blogs so that you can have as many niche blogs to make money with.
4. Choose or as your platform. Find and attractive theme that you can use so that visitors will not quickly bounce off of your page. Make sure that the theme is pleasing to the eye. When making money blogging, you may want to choose a free theme at first, but at some point you may want a more professional theme such as Studio Press or another type of premium theme. Once your blog starts making money, you can easily upgrade to a more professional theme.
5. If you are technically challenged, as many people are, you may want to hire a freelancer to help you install your new blog by ftp to your blog hosting account. You also may want to hire someone to help you make modifications in your blog design, or even change the header to make it more appealing or attractive. To earn money blogging, you must have a user friendly, easy to use, and good-looking blog that people are willing to stay on and not bounce off.
6.Once your blog is ready to use, it is important that you use the Google Keyword tool found and to find out the proper keywords to use when you are posting in your blog. To earn money blogging, you must select the right keywords that are not too competitive and are fairly easy to rank for. Without traffic to your blog, it is very hard to make money online blogging.
It is hoped that some of these tips were helpful to you in your question of “how to make money blogging?”
These are just 6 easy steps to getting started with a making money blog. There are a lot more things that you will need to do such as drive traffic to your blog, have an SEO friendly blog, and have plenty of backlinks to your blog as well to show relevance to the search engines.
It also requires time and patience before you start to earn revenue from your blog, as this does not happen overnight at all.
With persistence, dedication, and patience, you can make money blogging and earn residual income from your blogs while you sleep. There is something very exciting about that concept, and that is why there is tremendous passion about this subject by the author.
Best of luck to you in your quest for blogging money and a chance to make money online as a blogger from the comfort of your own home.

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