Blogging Tips – 5 Cardinal Sins To Avoid

There are certain blogging tips that anyone who either owns or is perhaps just creating a blog should pay close attention to. By overlooking particular principles you will only sabotage your own blog building efforts. As any self respecting blogger will tell you the blogging business requires an investment of both your time and effort and there are no short cuts available. So whether you are creating a blog for personal or professional use you would be wise to build it on a solid foundation.
Here are 5 cardinal sins every blogger needs to avoid if they intend to establish a site with a reliable reputation and plenty of traffic.

Lack of Motivation
As has been so often stated any blogging business takes time and effort before you will see any measurable signs of progress. Many still assume they can slap up a site and by its very presence on the internet it will attract traffic. This is not true since the biggest thing that attracts either search engines or visitors is content and plenty of it. This is all part of the blog building process therefore posting efforts must be continual and consistent. If you lack the motivation to maintain these efforts you will also lack the traffic needed to make your blog successful.

Misguided Intentions
When creating a blog you are creating it for your readers and not to make money so keep this in mind. Post content of interest to them or they will not frequent the site. If you have no blog readers your site has no life and you will have little motivation to continue to maintain your blog. So if you are blogging for your own selfish reasons you will have a very small audience.

Copy Cat Bloggers
I am being nice here since I am referring to people who steal the content of others and take credit for it. They literally copy and paste your content onto their own site and remove your name from it. I see this quite a bit with my own content and it does not take much time before these ‘impersonators’ are found out and ignored by the internet audience.
It also helps to have some knowledge concerning what it is you are blogging about. Whether you are a ‘battle scarred’ veteran in the field or perhaps knowledgeable due to your research you want to post information that is accurate and useful.

Rotten Niche Selection
Market research is very important in selecting the niche you want to blog about. This is particularly true if you intend to make money in the blogging business. If you blog about something of little interest to people you can expect that the traffic you receive will reflect that interest level.

Spreading Yourself TOO Thin
Like the old Kentucky Fried Chicken slogan ‘do one thing and do it right’ if you intend to have much success with a particular blog it is best to focus your efforts. The amount of success you experience with any ONE blog will be in proportion to the amount of time and effort invested. If you want to operate a ‘series’ of mini-blogs that is different but to establish an authoritative and deeply rooted site your focus, effort and TIME will be needed.
The blogging tips we discussed here today are fundamental in the development of any site that seeks a solid reputation and consistent traffic. The blog building process can be a long slow journey but if done correctly the results will make it all worth the effort. The ‘cardinal sins’ mentioned above are examples of what NOT to do when embarking upon your journey into the blogging business. By avoiding these mistakes and/or misaligned beliefs you stand a much better chance creating a blog that will reward your efforts

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