sted on 20 August 2010.
Whether you are just creating a blog or wanting to improve upon a site you have already launched there are certain blogging tips that will help you do both. In either case the ultimate goal is to establish and maintain a steady flow of blog traffic. As business blogs have grown in popularity so have the number of techniques used to attract site visitors. The push for new ways to increase blog traffic generally almost always lead back to the tried and true methods that have stood the test of time.
In the spirit of the old saying ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ here are 7 blogs tips you can use immediately to attract and maintain a flow of traffic to your site.
Prepare a Series of Posts for Launch
Prepare a Series of Posts for Launch
When initially launching your blog have a series of post containing great information prepared in advance. Being your blog is new and with no traffic you want to post these articles you have prepared right away. This will give your site a greater online presence on the basis of more content being located on your site along with capturing the attention of search engines.
Post Regularly
Post Regularly
In the early stages of your blog you will want to post as frequently as possible because you are trying to attract as much attention (generate traffic) as possible. As your traffic increases it will in turn attract even more site visitors as ‘word’ gets out. You are trying to build and establish some momentum here therefore it is important to maintain a frequent schedule of posting to do this.
Once you have established a flow of blog traffic continue to post regularly so your readers will know they can expect updates from you. The frequency of your posting can be decreased at this stage but do remain on a regular schedule with your updates.
Use Relevant Domain Name
When selecting your domain name be sure that the name you pick is relevant to the theme of your blog. If your domain name is unrelated to what you are blogging about it will make it harder for search engines to find you and to establish a good flow of traffic.
Leave Comments on Other Blogs
Go out within your niche and visit other business blogs with similar or related theme to yours. Get involved in their ‘discussions’ when appropriate and leave comments. By maintaining a link back to your site others will be able to see what you blog about. Of course the only way you will capture anybody’s attention will be with good quality comments.
On the other hand by visiting other sites you can also expect to increase your own knowledge on the subject matter along with new ideas for setting up your site.
Encourage Reader Interaction
Encourage Reader Interaction
Always encourage your own readers to leave comments or share their input. The more interaction you can generate the more inviting it will be for other readers to join in. This type of interactivity leads to a more popular site and an increase in blog traffic.
Submit Articles
Write and submit articles to directories to increase your exposure online. Article submissions are a very good way to establish your credibility and create curiosity about your blog.
Maintain Quality Content
Submit Articles
Write and submit articles to directories to increase your exposure online. Article submissions are a very good way to establish your credibility and create curiosity about your blog.
Maintain Quality Content
Do not slacken off with the quality of the post you put up on your blog. You may have established a good flow of traffic but one sure way to diminish this flow is by consistently posting useless content. By maintaining your level of quality you will maintain the readers’ loyalty while continuing to attract even more traffic.
For those just creating a blog or those wanting to improve upon an existing site there are certain blogging tips that will greatly benefit both scenarios. As business blogs have grown in popularity so has the competition within the blogging community to attract site visitors. This has resulted in numerous new traffic generation techniques or software being introduced in an effort to meet the heavy demand for this blog traffic. Some have work while others proved to be more effort than they are worth. The blog tips we discussed here today however have proven over time to deliver the traffic you need. At a cost of little more than your own effort you can capture your share of traffic to suit any purposes you may have