6 Blog Tips For Ministry

Six Blog Tips For Ministry
Blog tip #1: Use A Blog To Share Your Heart, Your “Voice”
You can think of your blogging as your own “pulpit” on line, where you showcase your sincere heart to help others. What are you passionate about and what do you desire to express? To answer, work on developing your own purpose statement. The heart of your ministry flows with your mission and vision statement. This begins with your relationship with God, and helps explain the “why” of where and how you feel lead to minister(by preaching, singing, etc). This is where you connect the dots to discovering and seeing the road map to your God given destiny.
For example, part of my purpose statement in life has to do with motivating people by speaking the Word of God and producing inspiring videos to help them overcome fear and issues which hold them back from experiencing abundant life in Christ. I have a blog that shares marketing keys to be free. This is one of my ministry marketing places on line which I not only use as a web promoting tool, but also to share that which I’m most passionate. I have been writing and expressing my “voice” on line, chipping away at that central theme of Jesus being the key to defeat fear, and finding abundant life NOW in Him!
I have since found a way to set up and load other blogs using WordPress.org. Here is a partial list:
I love wordpress.org blogs!
Blogtip #2: Focus on Shorter Entries and Frequent Writing
This is good news if this ministry marketing skill in blogging is making you stress thinking you have to write novels. The key is quality content, whether that’s just a few paragraphs or even a sentence or two. Your goal is to show that you do have something worth the time to read and that can actually help someone. You can even link to other ministries who may have more knowledge or experience in a certain area.
As you develop quality content, make an effort to write more often. Develop a plan, be consistent, and write! I find sharing about a spiritual nugget that I just read in the Word helpful on days when I don’t feel like I have much to say. Just one verse and a few insights that the Holy Spirit reveals goes a long way.
Blog tip #3: Watch Your Spelling and Grammar!
If you are writing about topics related to your ministry, the quality of your writing does matter. You want to demonstrate to your audience that you can communicate in a clear and concise style. Spelling and syntax errors distract your reader and take away from your credibility. They also might hinder your ability to minister to someone.
Blog tip #4: Include Your Key Contact Information
Your blog may come up in someone’s Google search on a certain topic. Here is where the ministry marketing tip of using a blog connects. But, you must remember to add the basic contact information, such as, the name of your ministry, your phone number, e-mail or other relevant web content. Most blog sites help with this web promoting by giving you templates where this key information can be built in to your actual blog.
Blog tip #5: Use Keywords Often
As you think about specific areas of ministry or categories you want to cover, find the keywords that someone might use to search. There are several tools on line that you can use to help find keywords to related to your topic.
Find terms that are relevant to your ministry or service and that have a high number of searches. Use these terms purposefully in your title tags, link text, and in your blog copy. So focus on these specific keywords as you title your posts, for example. Use as many specifics and keywords you can through out your entries. If you happen to quote a well known preacher or pastor, your blog entry may show up in search engine results alongside that top or recognizable ministry name.
Blog tip #6: Let Your Content Be The Overflow Of Your Relationship With God
This is where the spiritual rubber meets a hurting world’s road. As you spend that intimate one on one time with Jesus in prayer and in the Word, you have a Source from which to draw. You go to the living waters and drink in God’s Word.
The more of Jesus you drink in, the more it is going to spill out of you, whether in person or in your writing. You may have lost a loved one. You can help comfort others in the same situation with the comfort you received in your quiet time with God.
Forget web promotion or ministry marketing, this is when blogging is at it’s strongest and most meaningful.
To help you further in using blogging as part of your ministry marketing strategies, I point you to one of the best, Debbie Weil. She has some amazing blog tips from corporate to social blogging.
Did you know that blogging is a great way to build a simple content site? It can also potentially build a sustainable, long-term, money-making business.
Click here to learn about Site Build It and how it is an ideal way to set up a content site with the potential to earn multiple streams of income as you promote your ministry or work your business.

Sharing insights on tech, blogging, and passive income. Follow for more at farhamdani.eu.org!

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