In most cases, writing a post for your blog is quite different from other writing you normally do on the Internet. A blog is more of a diary/fast information or news kind of site that people go to for up-to-date information on the topic, or to get some advice or opinion from an expert.
Here are some proven tips for writing great blog posts that will keep your visitors coming back time and time again for more.
Blogging Tip # 1: Keep It Short.
People can get very easily distracted, so a short blog post can have a lot more effect than a long one. If you have a lot to say about a topic, then it is better to break it down into two or three posts instead of keeping it as one that is too lengthy.
If you find that you need to write a long post, and can’t break it up into pieces, remember to make it very readable by adding bullet points, images or a numbered sequence.
You can also make it more readable by bolding words and adding a lot of subtitles. Most people will be scanning through the information; this makes it easier for them to find the bits and pieces they are looking for.
Keeping your site readable makes people want to return. If they want to return they will bookmark your page and recommend it to others with social bookmarking. This is the kind of viral response you should be aiming for.
Blogging Tip # 2: Proofread.
A lot of typos and grammatical errors will make your visitor close your site. Tons of people today have a hard time with reading as it is, and errors can just add to their confusion. Keep your posts as grammatically correct as possible, and keep it polished and neat.
Blogging Tip # 3: Put The Reader In Mind.
When you write, you need to remember that you are not writing for yourself, but you are writing for another person. Why is that visitor coming to your site? Why did he find it using that certain keyword you are promoting?
A person that is looking for a specific topic of information does not want to hear how your day went. If you are keeping a kind of journal with your blog then that is fine, but if you are developing a business in your niche, and are targeting a specific keyword for information, your personal life has no relevance in that post.
That is not to say, however, that you should not add personality to your blog posts. You can make them rich and lively without getting into a lot of personal information.
There is a separate place on your blog that you should write some personal information about yourself, and that would be the “About Me” page.
You’d be surprised at how many people will click on this page if they are considering making a purchase from your site. Some Internet consumers want to find out more about the company or person they are purchasing from. Your “About Me” page should be personalized so that you become a real figure for them, and they feel they can trust you.
Blogging Tip # 4: Make Wise Use of Your Keywords.
If you blog half-hazardly you will not get the same results that you would by setting up a keyword plan and sticking to it.
If you set up a list of keywords to blog about, you will stay on focus and on-topic much easier than you would than by just blogging as things come to mind. Your post topics are going to appear on the front page, and Google is going to pick them up according to relevance.
There is a trick that many bloggers use and get very good at. That is the ability to write both for the reader and the search engines at the same time. If you can satisfy both, your profit levels will soar. You will get both traffic and loyal readers coming to your blog faithfully.
Blogging Tip # 5: Offer Something Unique.
You will get your visitor’s attention if you offer something that they can’t get anywhere else. If you have a niche in the crafting field, for example, you can sign up for the latest news with Google News or Yahoo!News and blog about anything strange and unique within the topic.
If you have a list of keywords handy, you can just work them into this news blog and kill two birds with one stone. You will have a keyword rich blog, and have some exciting news to offer your visitor.
A lot of people blog without a plan and never really seemed to make it. Remember that a plan is your best friend, and putting forth a strong strategy can make your blog rise to the top above all others.