ed on 22 August 2010.
You are probably already well aware of how you need to create an Internet presence for your website in order for it to be profitable. Because the goals of search engine optimization lie in making your site well-known, well-visited, and income-generating, you need to exhaust as many resources as possible to drive the success of your SEO campaign.
Have you ever considered blog commenting as part of your SEO plan of attack? Unbeknownst to many, the blog world or the blogosphere has become a haven for webmasters and successful SEO strategists. Blogs today have evolved to being mere online journals and daily chronicles, into powerful marketing tools that many are profiting from. As of the year 2007, Technorati and Businessweek reported more than 15.5 million active blogs around the world. With these stats, they also presented that about 1.3 million posts are made on blogs per day.
You can only imagine how commenting on a blog can greatly benefit your SEO campaign. Here are some tips to help you out with your site’s SEO:
1. Before you jump into the blog commenting wagon, you should first choose a blog site and register an account.When you pick a username, make it as relevant to your site as possible. Avoid using vague SEO keywords, and always use English in selecting a username for generality. You may even use the domain name if you wish. Only those with registered accounts on a blog portal can make comments on active blogs.
2. Whenever you land on a blog, read its content, and think about making a comment, always have your SEO in mind.If your site is on a certain niche, such as skin care products for instance, you can search Google for as many skin care blogs as you can. When making a comment on a blog entry, you can place a link for your website so other fellow blog readers can easily link to yours. Even more possible visitors will be driven to your site if the blog you commented on has many RSS subscribers. Every update on that blog informs the RSS subscribers that something interesting will be worth reading.
3. Make your post sensible. Don’t just click on the “post” or “comment” button with something uninteresting and irrelevant typed in the text box. Provide useful insights on the blog you have just read, and add your website link, inviting others who are interested to check it out. There is a code of conduct that all writers of blog comments should follow, and it pays to be in the know so as to avoid spamming and unnecessary posts.
Blog commenting is truly an effective means of link building and site promotion. The more comments you make on related blogs in your niche, the higher the traffic you generate for your site. Try to maintain a regular schedule of blog commenting, and always keep in mind the quality of your posts. Have these blog commenting hints in mind, and you can be link building in no time