Mobile browsing is the future. There have been various studies over the past few years predicting an explosive growth in mobile browsing, and now that the iPhone and Blackberry devices have led the way in mobile browsing, the floodgates have opened. Mobile browsing is set to eat up a significant proportion of web browsing as a whole, so to capture that potential, your site needs to be optimised for mobile viewing. These top tips explain how your site can be better accessed on the go.
Mobile browsing is the future. There have been various studies over the past few years predicting an explosive growth in mobile browsing, and now that the iPhone and Blackberry devices have led the way in mobile browsing, the floodgates have opened. Mobile browsing is set to eat up a significant proportion of web browsing as a whole, so to capture that potential, your site needs to be optimised for mobile viewing. These top tips explain how your site can be better accessed on the go.
Make sure when designing your site that most mobile users will not have the latest in technology, and so their connection will not be particularly fast. If your site takes too long to load on their mobile device, the chances are they will get bored and look elsewhere.
Websites designed without mobile browsing in mind often come up against horizontal overflow problems where users can’t see everything left to right and have to keep toggling horizontally. This is annoying for users. You can avoid this by designing your site in one central column, to keep things central for mobile users.
Use the most efficient, semantic HTML you can, and put more emphasis on presentation in your CSS. CSS is more powerful and doesn’t clutter your site with presentational data, so the site can be viewed by mobile users more easily.
Dynamic effects simply don’t translate to most mobile browsers well. They do not add much to a site when viewed on a PC, and bring nothing but annoyance when users try to view your site on a mobile.
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